The Awesome Food Award

I’ve gotten 3 award nominations since January, except this one is about food! Thank you so much for nominating me Allie D.! Allie has a great blog at Spreading My Joy.
The rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answer the 10 questions provided
3. Come up with 10 more questions that relate to food
4. Nominate 10 people

My answers to the questions:

1. What is your favorite food?
I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s spaghetti.
2. When was the last time you ate chocolate?
About a week ago. (even though I’m not supposed to eat dairy ^^’ )
3. Cake or pie?
Pie. Especially if it’s a meringue pie. 😉
4. What is your favorite meal?
Anything Chinese or Italian.
5. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’ Doughnuts?
Krispy Kreme…I think.
6. Cookies or cake?
Cake if it has a chocolate something, if not, then cookies.
7. Hamburgers or hotdogs?
8. Nuts or cheese?
9. Store bought or homemade?
10. Soup or salad?
La Sopa.My questions:
~Fast food or a fancy restaurant?
~What do you cook/bake most?
~What is one food that your whole family likes?
~Croissants  or biscuits?
~Salt or pepper?
~Do you put anything on your scrambled eggs?~Do you like to bake or would you rather have someone bake something for you?
~What would you consider a perfect breakfast?
~French fries or tater-tots?
~If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I nominate:
Simi at What’s Simi Reading
Ashley at Precious Moments
Megan at A Barefoot Gal
Chanelle at Whispers of an Unintentional Wanderer
Naomi at Picture Perphect
Megan at Montana Farm Girl
Emily at Fearfully Wonderfully Me
Sheri at Traveling The Narrow Road
Maddy at Maddy’s Digital Diary
Shelby at Every Bit of Lovely

Well, that’s it for today. (I promise that there will be more posting coming from me) Have fun blogging about food!


8 thoughts on “The Awesome Food Award

  1. Thanks for nominating me Katie! 😀
    I can’t do it at this time unfortunately, but maybe in the future. 😀 Thanks again! 😀 Oh, and thank you for entering my giveaway. 🙂

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